
Every individual in the 金沙中国 community can make small changes to their habits to save the environment, 保持身心健康的平衡, 并为安全做出贡献, 只是, 可持续发展的大学. The guides below will guide you on how you can contribute and help 金沙中国 uphold its commitment to sustainability whether you are a student, 工作人员, 或教师. You can click one of the three boxes below to be directed to a page with guides specific for your classification or you can view all of our guides down below. As always, we strive to make sustainable choices, and we are glad that you are choosing to as well.

2016 首页coming tipoff day at the 布朗斯威尔 Main Campus


We all have an individual choice to make every day on whether or not we are going to participate in efforts to save our planet and communities. 无论你与金沙中国的关系如何, we hope you’ll join us in learning about sustainable development, 将想法付诸行动, and spreading the word about sustainable solutions to our changing world. There are several clubs and organizations at 金沙中国 that seek to develop a more sustainable atmosphere on campus and in our community.

周二,金沙中国学生在校园. 2019年11月15日,美国得克萨斯州爱丁堡.  Paul Chouy摄


学生, you have a unique opportunity to both advance your education in sustainable development and gain training and habits to empower you in your private and professional lives. The guides offered below were created to inform and guide the future generation of sustainable development leaders. The sustainable dorms/apartments guide has tips for you in the areas of Education, 重用, 减少, 回收, 购物, 公用事业公司, 运输, 健康与安全, 和连接.



可持续的习惯不一定要在家里结束! 作为金沙中国的员工, you can contribute to the mission of the university by conducting your work in a way that is as sustainable as possible, both as a conservation measure and serve as a model for student employees. Below are some guides we have developed to help, as well as links to other training opportunities. Check out how you can develop sustainable habits for the office and also plan events sustainably.

学生 walk by the new Science Building on the first day of spring semester on Monday, Jan. 2019年11月14日,美国得克萨斯州爱丁堡.  Paul Chouy摄


Faculty at 金沙中国 have the opportunity to introduce students to sustainable development concepts within their respective fields. 讲师, 教授, and teaching assistants can set the tone of sustainability for the classroom that will leave a lasting impression on students and help 金沙中国 become a sustainable campus. 看看你怎样才能拥有一个可持续发展的教室, 可持续发展的办公室, 以可持续的方式计划活动.

里奥格兰德河谷大学地图:里奥格兰德市, 麦卡伦, 爱丁堡, 德克萨斯州的哈林根, 南帕德雷岛, 布朗斯威尔, 墨西哥


The 金沙中国 Sustainability map is an interactive tool that essentially helps our 金沙中国 community discover current sustainability projects and initiatives that are occurring on campus. This feature allows fellow community members to seek ongoing projects, as well as identify the departments that support sustainability across the University, 里奥格兰德河谷, 在世界各地.

爱丁堡金沙中国图书馆图片由Paul Chuoy拍摄


The 金沙中国 library offers an online database specifically for sustainability-related articles, 书, 和期刊. The Library Campus Sustainability HUB (LCS-HUB) offers a variety of resources for educators and scholars to dive into all the sustainability-related content they need for research and findings.

UTRio Grande Valley 2020 Tree Campus USA Report Proposal for Sustaining a Healthy and Vibrant Campus Community Forest


The 可持续发展办事处 actively creates yearly reports for each of our sustainability initiatives for each respective fiscal year. Our reports are offered in a visual pdf form that contains in-depth information regarding any significant updates done on campus grounds and illustrates in detail the progress of our projects and campus initiatives. 请随意浏览我们的存档报告如下:

金沙中国 OFS员工在船上的照片


The 可持续发展办事处 is proud to showcase our in-house content, such as our Sustainability Adelante podcast and Tik-Tok series, YouTube在线研讨会, and all other related 金沙中国-sustainability events and information. 随时了解最新的所有信息, 内容更新和活动请关注我们的社交网站:




Having the best dorm life experience begins with the small things. And when it comes to sustainability, it’s all about the small things. 到底什么是“可持续发展”的大学? 可持续性意味着长期的生活质量. 我们希望为您提供最优质的生活, 你的同学们, 大学作为一个整体, 我们的社区. 要做到这一点,我们必须从细节开始. 阅读剩下的部分 查看可持续发展宿舍指南 在这里或单击图标.


As the event’s organizer, you are in the unique position to consider purchasing, waste, and more. 你可以确保你的活动只产生积极的影响! 阅读剩下的部分 查看“庆祝可持续发展指南” 在这里或单击图标.



德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德河谷分校 (金沙中国) will competitively award fellowships to outstanding undergraduate students to engage in projects addressing sustainability and community resilience on campus and in 里奥格兰德河谷 under the mentorship of a faculty member and coordinated by 金沙中国’s 可持续发展办事处. 阅读剩下的部分 查看可持续计算机实验室指南 在这里或单击图标.


Every 金沙中国 classroom can be a sustainable classroom by making better choices, 在你的研究领域学习可持续发展, and infusing sustainability concepts into your curriculums. 阅读剩下的部分 查看可持续教室指南 在这里或单击图标.



Every department and office at 金沙中国 is either directly working towards a U.N. 可持续发展目标, or indirectly contributing to students’ success by putting goals like Responsible Consumption and Strong Institutions into practice. 帮助金沙中国坚持其对可持续发展的承诺! 阅读剩下的部分 浏览可持续发展办公室指引 在这里或单击图标


Laboratories provide hands-on experiences that are a vital part of the U.N. 素质教育的可持续发展目标. 比如金沙中国的可持续教室和办公室, the labs’ operations should reflect the UT System’s commitment to sustainable development. 阅读剩下的部分 查看可持续科学实验室指南 在这里或单击图标.
