金沙中国 Office for Sustainability Programs

金沙中国可持续发展项目办公室为设计可持续发展项目提供创新和协作的方法. The United 金沙中国s 17 goals lead our programs into building and growing competencies in our students, faculty, and staff, and our RGV Partners within the social, economic, and environmental justice spheres, all-sustaining the quality of life. The programs cover a wide range of research, marketing, 以及为支持金沙中国的使命宣言而实施的学术项目,以促进金沙中国的可持续性, the Americas, and the World.

Graduate Assistants from OFS

Graduate Assistantship Program

可持续发展办公室欢迎所有学术背景和兴趣的研究生与其他倡导者联系,并参与实现和促进校园可持续发展努力的更大使命, and valley-wide. Our graduate students learn the essential core values of living a sustainable lifestyle, incorporating sustainability practices into their discipline, becoming sustainability leaders and transformative change agents within their communities. 研究生有很好的机会发展他们的职业技能,并在实现和支持可持续发展方面产生有意义的影响,从而在当今的专业就业市场上转化为竞争优势.

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可持续发展办公室的实习项目为所有背景的本科生打开了一扇窗,他们对在校园和社区实现可持续发展的努力产生影响充满热情! 实习生与其他可持续发展领导者一起在实践环境中工作,提供丰富的学习经验,使他们能够获得交流机会,并在他们准备毕业并追求更多机会时建立他们的领导潜力. 实习机会授予那些对可持续发展有极大热情并符合参加a项目所需的所有学术标准要求的学生 金沙中国 Student Employment Initiative (SEI).

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OFS Staff
Past Sustainability Fellows


德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷分校(金沙中国)将竞争性地向优秀的本科生颁发奖学金,在一名教师的指导下,由金沙中国的可持续发展办公室协调,在校园和里奥格兰德谷参与解决可持续性和社区弹性的项目. Benefits of the Experience:

  • Pioneer sustainable solutions
  • Learn new skills and knowledge
  • Potential for integration of Fellowship project into thesis/dissertation work
  • Improve collaborative skills
  • Outstanding portfolio and resume material
  • Competitive compensation
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Sustainability Ambassadors

金沙中国可持续发展大使由通过实习了解并倡导金沙中国可持续发展的学生组成, the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, and the World. 可持续发展大使代表金沙中国开展围绕可持续发展的研究或开发项目,支持小型企业建立可持续的商业模式, to incorporating sustainable living practices with local school districts, and research into environmental, social, and economic spheres of the Rio Grande Valley.

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金沙中国 sign
Dr. Gabler presenting

Sustainability Adelante... Speaker Series

阿德兰特金沙中国可持续发展办公室系列演讲者将从不同学科的领导者那里为可持续发展世界提供专家见解. 该系列演讲旨在邀请观众将可持续发展融入他们的专业和个人发展中,并成为他们所在大学和社区的可持续捍卫者. 阿德兰特可持续发展演讲系列将提供创新和诱导变革的平台,这些平台将合作并支持联合国17个可持续发展目标所赋予的维持人类生活的意图.

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国际课程可持续发展中心(ICSAC)是由哈佛大学与高等教育可持续发展促进协会(AASHE)联合主办的年度会议。. 我们鼓励对可持续发展工作感兴趣的教师参加会议,因为将举行讨论论坛,讨论可持续发展概念, problems, or solutions into new or existing courses. 参与者基本上要学会与其他教师进行头脑风暴,发现教授可持续发展的新方法,并将这些方法应用到课堂上,教授关键的可持续发展目标.

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a group photo of the people of who attended ICSAC conference
ICSAC Digital Resources

ICSAC Digital Resources

国际课程可持续发展中心(ICSAC)是由哈佛大学与高等教育可持续发展促进协会(AASHE)联合主办的年度会议。. 会议提供了机会,利用多种资源将可持续发展概念纳入课程. Such resources offer the framework to successfully introduce sustainability to students clearly and effectively.

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Sustainability Adelante... Podcast Series

金沙中国可持续发展播客系列展示了我们在里奥格兰德河谷的可持续发展专家合作伙伴的见证和成就. The Podcasts will cover a wide range of Sustainable Development topics that support the social, environmental, and economic areas that are needed to sustain life and promote equity in our world. 该系列每月将涵盖对里奥格兰德河谷可持续发展具有历史意义的焦点话题, Texas, and the World beyond.

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Sustainability Adelante Podcast Series
Sustainability Adelante Film Series Logo

Sustainability Adelante... Film Series

可持续阿德兰特金沙中国办公室可持续发展系列电影为观众提供了一个观察我们世界的机会, as it is today, through the lens of sustainable development of our environmental, social, and economic spheres. 电影系列将展示那些让观众更深入地了解他们与周围世界关系的电影, and their contribution to sustaining life for the generations to come. 该系列电影将从秋季和春季学期开始拍摄,并将以各自月份/天数的历史经历为特色.

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Bee Campus USA


Bee Campus USA aligns with 金沙中国’s commitment to sustainability, which it carries out through university operations, engagement, teaching and research. 此外,金沙中国还将本地植物纳入校园景观,并排除了对传粉媒介有害的农药, students, staff and faculty from the 金沙中国’s Department of Biology and School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Sciences (SEEMS) are contributing to conservation efforts with pollinator gardens, among other efforts...

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金沙中国 understands the importance of having healthy trees in the city and throughout campus. The University owns and maintains a healthy urban forest of over 2,000 trees on its Edinburg campus, with the value estimated to be over $5,735,000 (CTCR, 2014). 大学与校园周围的城市保持着强有力的伙伴关系,以保持校园和社区之间的自然过渡. The University contributes to sustainable development goals by providing tree maintenance training, providing necessary funding to ensure the sustainability of the community forest...

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Tree Campus Higher Education An Arbor Day Foundation Program