


美国最佳刑事司法学院和大学排名第六.S. by universityhq.org

入学要求 & 课程





  • 提高学生在内容上的能力, 理论, 原则, 以及刑事司法的方法.
  • 为学生准备联邦政府的行政和管理职位, 州和地方刑事司法机构.
  • 为学生准备需要研究生学位的入门级职位, 比如联邦缓刑, 假释和执法机构.
  • 为学生获得硕士学位后的学术学习做好准备.
  • 开发, 通过教师和研究生的研究, 一个关于本区域特有问题的刑事司法知识库, 包括墨西哥, 以及中南美洲.
  • 为联邦政府提供资源, 在政策分析方面需要行政援助的州和地方刑事司法机构, 开发和项目评估.



对影响美国人思想的正义哲学和理论的历史概述, 宪法, and criminal law; federal and 状态 criminal justice systems, and the processing of the accused and the convicted leading to correctional placement and 惩罚; critical examination of the criminal justice system in the context of justice needs and reforms.
A comprehensive overview of the classical and contemporary 理论 in criminology; theory construction and testing; the nature of criminological research; the impact of ideology, politics and social structure on criminological thought; 程度上, 体积, 分布, 美国犯罪的类型和趋势.
美国执法的民主基础,重点关注联邦面临的问题和挑战, 状态 and local police; social resistance to police authority; the course will cover such police issues as legitimacy; lawfulness; role conflict; interagency and international relationships.
Functions and powers of the courts and court- related entities at the federal 状态 and local level; case disposition by plea bargaining and trial; criminal trial and post-conviction procedures; federal and 状态 constitutional rights and liberties in the criminal context 包括 landmark court decisions; how the US judicial system is impacted by international law and conventions.
校正的理论和目的, 惩罚, and rehabilitation; seriousness of crime, 惩罚, and sentencing; issues and challenges confronting the federal, 状态, and local institutions; making corrections work; planning and reorganizing the correctional system for the 21st century.
公共政策制定和政策分析的动态和政治, 应用程序, 评价, and improvement in criminal justice; defining criminal justice issues for policy-making; the policy-making process; understanding and becoming sensitive to political and sectional interests, and justice needs; examination of current issues in criminal justice, 重点是决策和应用.
Organizational 理论 that apply to the management of criminal justice organizations; current management practices in law enforcement agencies, courts and correctional institutions; introducing innovations in criminal justice organizations by creating appropriate management and leadership styles, 组织文化.
Basic qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques; research ethics; identifying variables; research design, structuring criminal justice inquiry; participant observation/ethnography; overview of basic statistics; introduction to SPSS; writing the research paper. 应该在CRIJ 6309之前依次进行吗.
Advanced criminal justice research and statistics; probability sampling and hypothesis testing; parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques; multivariate statistics; experiment and quasi-experiment; survey research; survey research project and paper involving data collections, 条目, and analysis using SPSS; use of data from documentary and historical records; evaluative and predictive research.
发生率, 体积, 程度上, 分布, 类型, trends in juvenile crime; 理论 that explain individual and group forms of juvenile delinquency as they relate to individual, 家庭, 学校, 社区, and societal causes; an overview of juvenile cases and matters; victimization of juveniles and protective services available for them; correctional institutions, 惩罚, and rehabilitation programs for juveniles; critical 评价 of current practices in juvenile corrections; needed changes in the juvenile correctional system to rehabilitate offenders and help prevent juvenile delinquency.
Historical evolution of the major world legal systems; their social foundations and philosophies; overview of the four major legal systems of the world and their hybrids; evolving convergences and divergences in the legal systems; social change and emerging justice views; international 犯罪 包括 terrorism, organized crime; genocide; civil wars and refugees; the global drug problems, smuggling; human trafficking and human rights issues; the Interpol, Europol; the UNO, international courts – the World Court and other International Courts; Amnesty International and other human rights watchdog groups, 非政府组织.
犯罪和受害的模式, 尤其是跟凶杀有关的案子, 攻击, 强奸, 抢劫, 仇恨犯罪. 家庭,已知和陌生环境中的犯罪和受害者. 按人口特征(年龄)划分的犯罪和受害分布, 性别, class, 和民族), 地理区域(国家), 区域, 城市, 以及其他社区环境). Offender-victim interaction; 理论 of victimization; prevention of victimization.
检查环境问题, 犯罪, and justice; bodily and property harms and 犯罪 from local, 区域, and global environmental problems; point source and non-point source pollution; structural violence; environmental victimology; governmental and non- governmental responses; environmental laws and regulations; environmental justice and racism, 高危人群(穷人), 少数民族, 女性, working men); anti-environmental backlash to regulations and laws.
Differing conceptions of law and justice; law as a cultural institution reflecting the cultural values and ideals of society; law as an instrument of social change; law as an oppressive and liberating instrument; the cultural foundations of law and their operation in North and South America, 欧洲, 亚洲, 非洲, 资本主义, 社会主义, 和简单的, emerging and modern societies; examination of how laws function in societies and their consequence for conformity and violation.
An overview of laws of subordination and liberation in American history; patriarchy and 性别 inequality; legal and social barriers to justice and equality of 女性; overcoming 性别 inequalities through changes in law, 社会态度, and incorporation of males to 女性’s progress; enabling males and females to respect each other by creating a nonviolent ethos
Causes and forms of terrorism at the domestic and international levels; political, 经济, 宗教, social and national differences among people and their implications for terrorism; a review of major terrorist incidents and groups; their underpinning means and what can be done to contain terrorism.
An inquiry into the “criminal justice” and “social justice” nexus; creating a “good” and “just” society reducing crime and promoting justice, and social well-being; understanding of crime and justice issues in the context of political, 经济, 社会文化, 并通过法律变革来创造一个良好和公正的社会,引导社会行动,控制犯罪,促进正义.
An inquiry into the “criminal justice” and “social justice” nexus; creating a “good” and “just” society reducing crime and promoting justice, and social well-being; understanding of crime and justice issues in the context of political, 经济, 社会文化, 并通过法律变革来创造一个良好和公正的社会,引导社会行动,控制犯罪,促进正义.
在研究生教师的指导下,在教师专业和/或与学生课程相关的兴趣领域进行精读. 学生可以选择在标准课程中不涉及的实质性领域进行深入的理论/实证阅读. 对刑事司法的核心问题和新趋势进行深入评估,为学生提供了一个进行研究和/或与研究生教师一起参与研究的机会,以便在专业会议上发表和展示. 如果是新的话题可以重复一次吗.
在研究生院的指导下, 该学生将继续研究当代犯罪和刑事司法问题, 包括, 但不限于教师专业领域. 如果是新的话题,可以重复两次吗.
学生必须在研究生AMRP委员会的指导和监督下完成并公开捍卫该项目. 通过与否将由审查候选人的大多数AMRP委员会成员决定.







学费 & 金融援助

德州大学里奥格兰德山谷的100%在线加速研究生课程提供负担得起的学费, 符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助.




*We estimate that tuition and fees will total no more than the rates shown above; however, 价格可能会有变动.


有关研究生奖学金的更多信息,请访问我们的 奖学金 页面.


金沙中国在其财政援助计划的管理方面是一个机会均等的机构. 与此政策保持一致, 助学金不分种族地发放给学生, 信条, 性, 国家的起源, 资深地位, 宗教, 年龄或残疾. 有关资金的更多信息,请访问我们的 加速在线课程的财政援助 页面.


毕业费用: $50


请查看刑事司法理学硕士的所有入学要求-加速在线学位课程. 有关具体问题或更多细节,请致电1-833-887-4842联系招生专家.








